The last weekend of October 2022

Some View on the World looks at what happened at the last weekend of October

Balance of power in the first week of August 2022

August 01 There was some rare good news out of Ukraine today when a vessel loaded with 26,000 tons of corn left the port of Odesa — the first legal shipment of grain since Russia’s invasion began in late February. It’s a small step but potentially significant for some of the world’s poorest countries asContinue reading “Balance of power in the first week of August 2022”

The New York Times looking at the world in 2022 for the last days of July

If you missed it previously July 19 A police officer gave water to a British soldier guarding Buckingham Palace yesterday.Matt Dunham/Associated Press Britain sizzles under a heat wave Temperatures in Britain neared a record high yesterday as blistering heat swept the country. By midafternoon, Wales had recorded its highest-ever temperature: The thermometer hit 37.1 degreesContinue reading “The New York Times looking at the world in 2022 for the last days of July”

The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31

Things you need to know what happened July 25 House Jan. 6 committee to interview more Trump Cabinet members The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack said Sunday it would interview more members of former President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, as well as other prominent supporters. The committee also is prepared toContinue reading “The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31”

2022 end of July Bloomberg selection

July 25 The contest to succeed Boris Johnson moves up a gear today with the first head-to-head debate between the two candidates vying to become Conservative Party leader and UK prime minister. It’s unlikely to be pretty. Key reading: Truss Promises Low-Tax UK Investment Zones in Pitch to Tory Base The Pound’s Woes Run Deep,Continue reading “2022 end of July Bloomberg selection”

The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31

July 25 After the heatwave we’ve had this past week in the UK and beyond, it would be fair to assume that some of your plants are beyond repair. But all is not lost, thanks to this great advice from Jane Perrone on how to revive your crispy plants. So, get watering! Get yourself toContinue reading “The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31”

Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24

July 18 Having left parts of southern Europe in flames, the continental heatwave is bearing down on the British Isles. That may be a boon for UK seaside resorts, but it’s not a cause for celebration. The Met Office has issued a red alert warning for this week, with southern England bracing for temperatures ofContinue reading “Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24”

Our selection of Things you need to know The Week: July 18 – July 24

July 18 Zelensky fires Ukraine top prosecutor and spy chief Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed Sunday that he had fired the country’s top prosecutor and the head of its domestic intelligence agency, in the biggest shakeup of his government since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. Zelensky’s government announced the dismissals of the prosecutor general, Iryna Venediktova,Continue reading “Our selection of Things you need to know The Week: July 18 – July 24”

The New York Times from July 18 – July 24

A life-threatening heat wave was continuing its march in the 4th week of July, across Western Europe, whilst in Italy there was again a political crisis.

The Telegraph looking at the 5th week of June

The last week of June looked at by the Telegraph.

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