PM Sunak’s Hindu faith

An internal look at the faith of the British prime minister.


Nature emits diversity and imbues it into every entity

Sweet celebration: Sydney’s ‘little India’ lights up as crowds turn out for Diwali

As the diaspora grows in the city’s west, more and more people are dressing up and turning out to share the joy of good company and delicious desserts.

How the term Evangelical has grown to blur theology and ideology

In the 19th century several lay preachers who taught a non-trinitairan Biblical faith, used printed media to spread the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, by means of tracts and pamphlets, in times that evangelicalism became deeply intertwined with a certain strain of conservative politics, to end up in the 21st century where conservative evangelists became fundamentalists totally taken by GOP politics and blurring the lines between theology and ideology.

Christians close to falling below 50pc in England

As in other industrialised countries, Great Britain is feeling the loss in its churches after the first year of CoViD isolations and lockdown.

Is religion like a physical trait

Some people unrighteously regard religion as a physical trait because they do not see the real purpose of those who try to bring their power over others and who are not afraid to use violence to do so.

Guyana and religious mandates

The Ministry of Education recently responded to the concerns expressed by Swami Aksharananda regarding the matter of Christian-themed prayers recited at an organised event hosted by the Ministry of Education. In their response, the Ministry assured the Swami that no religion was favoured by the use of a universal prayer, reaffirming the belief that “noContinue reading “Guyana and religious mandates”

More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities

England has to come to face what can be seen already in many cities at the continent. Statistics from 2011 Census show more Muslim children than Christian growing up in Birmingham Of 278,623 youngsters, 97,099 were registered as Muslim compared with 93,828 as Christian A similar trend has emerged in the cities of Bradford andContinue reading “More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities”

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