The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31

Things you need to know what happened July 25 House Jan. 6 committee to interview more Trump Cabinet members The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack said Sunday it would interview more members of former President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, as well as other prominent supporters. The committee also is prepared toContinue reading “The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31”

The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31

July 25 After the heatwave we’ve had this past week in the UK and beyond, it would be fair to assume that some of your plants are beyond repair. But all is not lost, thanks to this great advice from Jane Perrone on how to revive your crispy plants. So, get watering! Get yourself toContinue reading “The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31”

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