Places to provide news dressed in a nice theme

Choosing a Theme for a site is not always as easy as it looks at first site, because certain themes also bring some unwanted guests (advertisements) with them.

Not enough time to keep pace with writing for different websites

Some good news: Congratulations! Your site, Some View on the World, passed 10,000 all-time views. The previous days I was very busy with things that had to be done around the house as well as for problems I had with my car, as well as the need to find enough time to write articles forContinue reading “Not enough time to keep pace with writing for different websites”

Journo tips: Newsgathering

Originally posted on Return of the hack:
Before I came to City, I always wondered how people found news. I’d always done Comment at University, and the thought of having to find original news, that hadn’t already been reported in national newspapers, terrified me a little. Over the year, I’ve gradually built up my newsgathering…

Verontrustend lage kijkcijfers na één jaar op het net

2020-2021 was een jaar van veel verandering op het internet. Veel Google tool gebruikers vonden zich met Blogger, Blogspot en Google Sites, indien zij dat verder wilden gebruiken, verplicht heel wat aanpassingen te doen. Doordat de Google Sites oude vorm niet automatisch konden overgedragen worden naar de nieuwe vorm van Google Sites, moest ik handmatigContinue reading “Verontrustend lage kijkcijfers na één jaar op het net”

Het eerste half jaar van een Kijk op de wereld op WordPress

Een stand van zaken betreft deze website, halfweg 2022

Presenting views from different sources

To give an overview of what appears in the international press and what may be important points that deserve our attention, a lot of work needs to be done, and the question can be asked whether enough readers are interested in it.

The intention of this site was to provide a free overview of interesting events and to present a variety of different news articles. But due to the very low interest in these overview articles of newspaper reports, I doubt whether it is still useful to spend so much time on it.

Is er wel belang voor persoverzichten – of Krijgt frustratie mij klein

Opzet van deze site was gratis een overzicht van boeiende gebeurtenissen aan te kaarten en een variatie van uiteenlopende nieuwsartikelen voor te leggen. Maar wegens de zeer lage interesse voor die overzichtsartikelen van krantenberichten twijfel ik er aan of het nog wel nuttig is er zo veel tijd aan te besteden.

Weekly World Watch (WWW) looking at a few key developments that have happened during the past week

Christians have the task not only to bring others the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God, but also to warn people how that Kingdom will come about and what will happen prior to Jesus’ return and what we must prepare for. Therefore, we should always have an eye on what happens in our world. With this website ‘View on the World’, we try to give some idea of what should receive our attention and wherefore we should prepare.

Entering 2022 still Aiming for a society without exploitation or oppression

At the beginning of 2022, I look at social justice and the way I try to reach people to aim for a better society.

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