How we became obsessed with ‘wellness’

Aleksander Chan, Editor Guardian US Dear reader, If there is ever a time when we could all do with a bit more “wellness” it’s now. In the face of a seemingly ever-bleaker news cycle, the Guardian US is launching a new section, Well Actually, which aims to bring some healthy scepticism to an industry proneContinue reading “How we became obsessed with ‘wellness’”

How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs

One can find several people doing violence against the truth. Similarly, there is Richard Martin who claims that fascism and communism are twin brothers.

Are we going from purgatory to hell

People should come to know that we are in the fight of our lives facing climate change which is the defining issue of our age, the central challenge of our century in which the industrialised countries should pay for the damage done to the poor countries..

How to Church Shop Like the First Christians

Watching a service may be great, but it isn’t really church. A healthy local church should see themselves as “a disparate and dishevelled group of very ordinary people, crying out to God … who fall at the feet of Christ and are filled with his presence, who become infectious agents of the kingdom in the world.”

How to Save the American Church

The persistent quest for merit money with their lavish lifestyle eventually made many church members realise that their church was more out to extort money than to proclaim the true faith. This made many losing their trust in that church.

After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

Dangerous climate change is already with us

A big step is made by at least 23 countries that have made new commitments to phase out coal power, including five of the world’s top 20 coal power-using countries?

Pastoral discipline and dissent from papal teaching

Controversial Pope + Catholics attacking their own so called infallible pope continued Normally the Roman Catholic Church requires assent to all her teaching, whether that teaching comes from the universal episcopate of all the bishops or from the head of the bishops, the Pope, the Bishop of Rome. With regard to papal teaching, the CatholicsContinue reading “Pastoral discipline and dissent from papal teaching”

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