Points to rescue America

Dangerous is it when the democracy shall be undermined further by the Republican Party and when those fundamentalist Christians are going to intrude even more into the legal system and have their wishes implemented as laws to be followed by everyone.

How to Save the American Church

The persistent quest for merit money with their lavish lifestyle eventually made many church members realise that their church was more out to extort money than to proclaim the true faith. This made many losing their trust in that church.

Only six of ten commandments of God still important to British Christians

A YouGov pol has revealed that only six of the ten commandments of God are still important to British Christians. Not to our surprise most Britain’s the four which have fallen by the wayside are the requirement not to worship idols, use the God His name in vain, to worship no other God, and toContinue reading “Only six of ten commandments of God still important to British Christians”

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