History.com: This Day In History (January 11-1928): Stalin banishes Trotsky

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By History.com Editors. Leon Trotsky, a leader of the Bolshevik revolution and early architect of the Soviet state, is deported by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to Alma-Ata in remote Soviet Central Asia. He lived there in internal exile for a year before being banished from the USSR forever by…

I finally understood what Lenin meant…

Originally posted on Your prime resource on societal collapse:
…when I started to understand postmodernism and the decadence I witness around me. Lenin said that imperialism is the final stage of capitalism. I have long thought that this is just some axiom or slogan of Leninist doctrine. No. What he meant is simple. It is…

All that is solid still melts into air.

Originally posted on Pratik is Typing:
The Communist Manifesto is an embarrassing first choice for reviews. For all the studying about Marx during college, I managed to dodge this one. To top that, I ended up buying a copy published by a behemoth embroiled in an anti-trust case. Written as a practical and theoretical tract…

How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs

One can find several people doing violence against the truth. Similarly, there is Richard Martin who claims that fascism and communism are twin brothers.

Messages leading to an earthly utopia

Dreams and reading a Book of books My whole life, I had lots of dreams of a better world. All the suffering I and other people had to undergo would be finished. Could that be possible? By reading the Bible, going through it from beginning to end, more than once, comparing it to historical facts,Continue reading “Messages leading to an earthly utopia”

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