Messages leading to an earthly utopia

Dreams and reading a Book of books My whole life, I had lots of dreams of a better world. All the suffering I and other people had to undergo would be finished. Could that be possible? By reading the Bible, going through it from beginning to end, more than once, comparing it to historical facts,Continue reading “Messages leading to an earthly utopia”

Built upon a Rock – Distinctive beliefs and practices of the Christadelphians

Ability (part 2)

Wikipedia: taste the fruit of knowledge! (Photo credit: Wikipedia) We did receive the ability to live and to use our brains. The ability of the brain to research, investigate and then to form conclusions gives us the ability to form ideas and to take action or react to those findings we got. The ability toContinue reading “Ability (part 2)”

A Living Faith #8 Change

A LIVING FAITH IN ACTION Change  Previous: A Living Faith #7 Prayer The ways of Yahweh are unchanging and in an ever changing and uncertain world, we can derive great comfort from that knowledge. We know for certain that what He promises, that He will also do. As Malachi records, Yahweh says, “For I am theContinue reading “A Living Faith #8 Change”

A Living Faith #5 Perseverance

A LIVING FAITH IN ACTION Perseverance Prev. A Living Faith #4 Effort Having accepted the wisdom of listening, taking to heart the Word of Yahweh and the effort that must be made in order to develop a living faith. We will come to realise that effort needs to be sustained if we are to putContinue reading “A Living Faith #5 Perseverance”

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