Revelation 4:8 God Is

We should be very careful how we look at the Scriptures and how we want to look at the God of the Bible or the god of man.

Messages leading to an earthly utopia

Dreams and reading a Book of books My whole life, I had lots of dreams of a better world. All the suffering I and other people had to undergo would be finished. Could that be possible? By reading the Bible, going through it from beginning to end, more than once, comparing it to historical facts,Continue reading “Messages leading to an earthly utopia”

In Coronatime thinking about death

None of us likes thinking about death, but there are times when we have little choice. For weeks now we did not hear anything else that so many died. Everywhere in the world, lives are lost. The unseen enemy has reached every corner of society, being rich does not help you to avoid the deathContinue reading “In Coronatime thinking about death”

Gospel of Thomas and Nature of Jesus

Jesus  Christ his original name was Jeshua ben Joseph. He was born in a Essene family and as such as a devout Jew he only worshipped the Only One True God of Israel, the God of Abraham Who is a singular eternal Spirit Being no man can see. Throughout the times we can see JewsContinue reading “Gospel of Thomas and Nature of Jesus”

Prayer Bible verses to help us to get a deeper conversation with God

Many people consider Jesus to be God and as such Jesus praying to himself. Though Jesus did not pray to himself but to his heavenly Father which he considered being greater than Him. Jesus very well knew he could not do much without his heavenly Father. Consider the two scriptures that follow, as they relateContinue reading “Prayer Bible verses to help us to get a deeper conversation with God”

Background of Faith

The Word of God in the Old Testament or Hebrew Writings as well as in the New Testament or Greek Messianic Writings speaks about people who had a faith or certain belief in a Higher Power, the Most High Maker Elohim Hashem Jehovah. We can see or read that faith has something to do withContinue reading “Background of Faith”

When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian

English: Folio 18 recto, beginning of the Epistle to Thessalonians, decorated headpiece (Photo credit: Wikipedia) When the apostle Paul wrote to the churches at Colossa and Thessalonica he felt united with God the Father and the Lord Jeshua Christ. He knew that in the presence of our God and Father, we never had to forgetContinue reading “When having taken a new direction in life, having become a Christian”

My faith and hope

I would love if we all could come to see it possible that in this world where there is so much sorrow and pain that we could find people willing to help each other and loving all those around them. It would be nice if we could find growing communities where more people would liveContinue reading “My faith and hope”

Focussing on the man Jesus and the relationship with God

Having now three different websites focussing on the man Jesus and his relationship with God we only can hope more people shall come to listen to the very challenging things Jesus said. Hopefully, those Christians who take Jesus as their god will consider those words Jesus spoke like “on that day” (Matthew 7:22), i.e., theContinue reading “Focussing on the man Jesus and the relationship with God”

New website and forum: the Human Jesus

Today we still find lots of Christians who do not want to believe the words of God and His son Jeshua, better known by them as Jesus Christ. Lots of Christians instead of believing the Biblical Truth and the words of the Bible still look at Jesus as their god instead of accepting that heContinue reading “New website and forum: the Human Jesus”

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