How Evangelicals betray Christians in the Holy Land

Palestinian Christians have been disappearing from the Holy Land for decades, even though this region is where Christianity began. So what’s going on? Dena Takruri goes to Bethlehem to ask the Palestinian Christians who remain. She only speaks to Trinitarian Christians, of which she finds the Roman Catholics and the Lutheran Church.  For many Christians,Continue reading “How Evangelicals betray Christians in the Holy Land”

Seraphim Rose: “to be Christian is to be crucified”

Originally posted on Dover Beach:
. “Let not us, who would be Christians, expect anything else from it than to be crucified, For to be Christian is to be crucified, in this time and in any time since Christ came for the first time. His life is the example—and warning—to us all. We must be…

Asking God to give Ukrainians strength and courage to go on with their lives

Asking God to provide courage, strength and patience and to be a good example to others whilst waiting for Jesus’ return.

Jesse Duplantis and Kenneth Copeland telling people to pay up if they want to see Jesus

Speaking at a recent four-day-long fundraising event for Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Duplantis claimed that Jesus has not returned because people aren’t generous enough with their donations to the church.

Televangelist Pat Robertson said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “compelled by God” in his decision to invade Ukraine

Televangelist Pat Robertson said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was “compelled by God” in his decision to invade Ukraine, suggesting that Russia’s attacks are a precursor to an end-times battle in Israel.

Messages leading to an earthly utopia

Dreams and reading a Book of books My whole life, I had lots of dreams of a better world. All the suffering I and other people had to undergo would be finished. Could that be possible? By reading the Bible, going through it from beginning to end, more than once, comparing it to historical facts,Continue reading “Messages leading to an earthly utopia”

In a few days time it will be 2020 years ago that the Messiah was born

Lord Krishna displays his Vishvarupa (Universal Form) to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) In a few days time it will be 2020 years ago that the Messiah was born. Since the appearance of the Messiah 2 millennia ago for man’s attitude, not so much has been changed. Still man wants toContinue reading “In a few days time it will be 2020 years ago that the Messiah was born”

May we be “ready” when Jesus returns

Do Jesus’ words come alive in our minds daily with real, committed belief? Actions show what people really believe! All around us are those whose actions show they do not give a moment’s thought to there being a God, who had a Son, who invites them to follow him. We ourselves prove by our wordsContinue reading “May we be “ready” when Jesus returns”

Credo of the Christadelphian

There is only one God, the Father. This is the Almighty God above all gods, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus and his followers. The only true God who tells no lies, created the world and has given mankind His infallible Word. The whole universe came into being by the Power of theContinue reading “Credo of the Christadelphian”

Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing

Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Is Israel building up their weaponry in preparation of their defence of their nation as part ofContinue reading “Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing”

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