Who or What Are You?

Originally posted on God Everyday:
Every book in the Bible speaks of spiritual beings. Not just God-the-Father and The Holy Spirit, but Christ (before and after His incarnation) Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim, Watchers (Daniel 4), Disembodied Human Spirits (what remains after physical bodies have died) and, of course, Satan and his followers. Do any of those…

Living in this world and viewing it

The Baby boomers saw how their parents became slave of their work and materials around them and started questioning their way of life, church and faith, wondering of this was a good way to continue to build up our society.

The destructive man and our duty as Christians

When it comes to dealing with the inconvenient truth of our climate crisis and the threat to life as we know it on Planet Earth today, it is up to Christians to break the silence.

Look It Squarely In The Eye, And Say….

Originally posted on Dr Austin Ejaife inspirit:
“If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, “I…

A discovery of human artefacts and human remains older than six thousand years

The Israel Antiquities Authority has announced the discovery of a 10,500 year old woven basket in the Judaea desert. Discoveries both of human artefacts and human remains that are older than six thousand years pose a fundamental challenge both to the belief that humans would only six thousand years old and the concept of aContinue reading “A discovery of human artefacts and human remains older than six thousand years”

In Coronatime thinking about death

None of us likes thinking about death, but there are times when we have little choice. For weeks now we did not hear anything else that so many died. Everywhere in the world, lives are lost. The unseen enemy has reached every corner of society, being rich does not help you to avoid the deathContinue reading “In Coronatime thinking about death”

Brain damage and dementia perhaps not glamorous enough to allow patients to live

In reply to Vincent Lambert died on Thursday at 8.24am Are brain damage and dementia not glamorous enough to allow patients to live, because the intellectual impairment really does make all of us uneasy about our own stupidity? In a collective opinion page on April 18, 70  “doctors and professionals specialized in the care ofContinue reading “Brain damage and dementia perhaps not glamorous enough to allow patients to live”

The 17th annual White Privilege Conference a militantly Christophobic conference held in Philadelphia

A simplified chart of historical developments of major groups within Christianity. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) From April 15 to 17 the 17th annual White Privilege Conference was held in Philadelphia. Activist and author Paul Kivel identified three particularly severe problems in the modern world that are caused or worsened by Christianity. I could agree with hisContinue reading “The 17th annual White Privilege Conference a militantly Christophobic conference held in Philadelphia”

Human beings and creation

Homo sapiens sapiens – Deliberate deformity of the skull, \”Toulouse deformity \”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Human species think they are superior to other species and behave uncontrolled hautain. Over the years they made not only a mess of their own society and history, they also intruded the life of the other species and made itContinue reading “Human beings and creation”

Bible sayings about God

To get to know who God is and what exactly is being said about Him, we may well depend on what is written in the Holy Scriptures or the Bible. If we are talking here about God, we mean the Creator God who is the God of gods and may be called as One TrueContinue reading “Bible sayings about God”

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