By the autobiography of Marcus Ampe

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? Normally I would not be a person bringing forwards intimate writings made during life or made at a time when I would feel my life coming to an end. Though I do not want to die yet, I must confess I have come to a period ofContinue reading “By the autobiography of Marcus Ampe”

2022 towards its end

It seems like 2022 is only a few months away, but 11 months have already passed. In those months, the world faced some hot moments, with an upcoming Third World War lurking behind the door. Fortunately, most politicians were smart enough to keep away from red buttons and not jump in too quickly on theContinue reading “2022 towards its end”

Presenting views from different sources

To give an overview of what appears in the international press and what may be important points that deserve our attention, a lot of work needs to be done, and the question can be asked whether enough readers are interested in it.

The intention of this site was to provide a free overview of interesting events and to present a variety of different news articles. But due to the very low interest in these overview articles of newspaper reports, I doubt whether it is still useful to spend so much time on it.

Is er wel belang voor persoverzichten – of Krijgt frustratie mij klein

Opzet van deze site was gratis een overzicht van boeiende gebeurtenissen aan te kaarten en een variatie van uiteenlopende nieuwsartikelen voor te leggen. Maar wegens de zeer lage interesse voor die overzichtsartikelen van krantenberichten twijfel ik er aan of het nog wel nuttig is er zo veel tijd aan te besteden.

Entering 2022 still Aiming for a society without exploitation or oppression

At the beginning of 2022, I look at social justice and the way I try to reach people to aim for a better society.

Hippies, a president, a damaged ozone layer and knights

North Dakota In July 2021 the Knights of the Climate Covenant have cleared the first hurdle in becoming a non-profit environmental organisation. From then onwards they are certified as a non-profit corporation in North Dakota. But it is not just an organisation for North Dakotans. They continue to strive to be recognised as a nonprofitContinue reading “Hippies, a president, a damaged ozone layer and knights”

Our World on Blogger coming to its end

Since a few months, there seem to be problems with Blogger, making it not practical to open articles via tags. Also opening the home page takes on several browsers too much time. Even reducing the home page to only 5 articles did not bring a solution. From 2021 September 25 I shall provide the articlesContinue reading “Our World on Blogger coming to its end”


Our World wants to share a look on what is happening in the world from a Christadelphian view. The author of this blog does not mind presenting now and then his personal view, though most of his own musings he mainly presents on his own WordPress site Marcus Ampe’s Space. Do not hesitate to haveContinue reading “Aims”

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