Israeli plan for a buffer zone in Gaza

Soldiers killed during construction of buffer zone The Israeli military suffered its deadliest day of the Gaza ground invasion on Monday, announcing that 24 soldiers had been killed, about 20 of them in an explosion inside the territory near the Israeli border. The blast occurred after Gazan militants fired toward a tank guarding an IsraeliContinue reading “Israeli plan for a buffer zone in Gaza”

Israel tells 1.1 million citizens of north Gaza to get out now

Israel tells 1.1 million citizens of north Gaza to get out now The Israeli Defence Force has announced within the last few hours that it planned to “operate significantly” within Gaza City over the coming days. Civilians and UN staff have been told to move south beyond Wadi Gaza. The UN has urged Israel toContinue reading “Israel tells 1.1 million citizens of north Gaza to get out now”

Just remembering some news messages from 2014 and 2015

Looking back to the invasion of the Crimea, that was just an ‘intro’ or preparation for what would follow. Russians held a large force build-up on the Ukrainian border in 2021, with Russia once again dismissing America’s accusations as trying to incite a war between Russia and Nato.

The New Arab: Lebanese authorities ‘failed to uphold right to electricity’: HRW

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By The New Arab staff. An HRW report pointed to 30 years of “fundamental neglect” and corruption as the driver of the country’s current energy crisis. A Human Rights Watch (HRW) report released on Thursday concluded that Lebanese authorities have failed to “uphold the right to electricity” through corruption…

Main news items for the first half of September

Looking at what made the headlines the first half of September 2022

New York Times view for 2022 August 29 – September 04

By Amelia Nierenberg Writer, Briefings August 29 We’re covering artillery strikes near a nuclear plant in Ukraine and a political scandal in Finland. Shelling around the Zaporizhzhia power plant has raised fears of a catastrophic nuclear accident.David Guttenfelder for The New York Times Attacks near Ukraine nuclear plant intensify Russian artillery strikes continued near theContinue reading “New York Times view for 2022 August 29 – September 04”

Journalism under attack

The 2022 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos emphasised that everyone can take action to promote quality journalism and media freedom.

Russische soldaten hebben doelbewust burgers gefolterd, verkracht en gedood

Uit een nieuw rapport van Human Rights Watch (HRW) blijkt dat Russische soldaten doelbewust burgers, ook minderjarigen, uit schuilkelders halen om ze te doden of te verkrachten.

Apartheid South Africa and Israel’s Treatment of the Palestinians – Modern Parallels

Originally posted on BPP Human Rights Law Blog:
Hamza Fareed Malik discusses the discriminatory treatment of Palestinians by Israeli authorities and considers comparisons drawn between apartheid in South Africa and contemporary Israel. The 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (“Apartheid Convention”) and the 1998 Rome Statute to the…

Omicron-variant onderstreept de gevaren van ongelijke toegang tot COVID-19-vaccins

Mensenrechtenorganisaties lanceren een lijst met meer dan 100 bedrijven in Afrika, Azië en Latijns-Amerika die COVID-19-vaccins kunnen produceren.

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