Some events to look at from a Christian point of view for January 2024

We would like to remind our readers that our brother Andy Walton’s views on the facts unfolding in Gaza are different from ours. We are looking at what the current government of the non-believing Netanyahu has been doing for several years in Israel to exclude Palestinians, such as by building the wall, but also how,Continue reading “Some events to look at from a Christian point of view for January 2024”

Traditions to be kept or to be left behind

A lot of traditions have emerged but also disappeared over the centuries.

Wishing to improve our community

Hoping more people shall come along to read but also comment on the articles, to inspire more people to call for the protection of mother earth, and on the other hand also to spread the message of peace and of the Good News of the coming paradise.

An easily forgotten or neglected subject

Even if it may not always be so obvious, or open and bare on the table, the issues I like to raise are almost all related to human, animal and plant rights.

Misleading figures about ‘climate-friendly’ consumption – and how to spot them

The cost of the climate damage caused by organic meat production is just as high as that of conventionally farmed meat.

The hourglass of this world

We from our site of the West European continent also resolved to do everything possible to show what goes wrong in this world. To this end, we hope that readers who come here, shall appreciate our writings and shall take the necessary steps to help to share these articles with others.

What was at stake in Sharm El-Sheikh

Whilst the cost of inaction is far, far greater than the cost of inaction for many countries, it was difficult to come to an agreement to contribute to a fund helping those countries most affected by pollution from the industrial and most polluting countries.

Are we going from purgatory to hell

People should come to know that we are in the fight of our lives facing climate change which is the defining issue of our age, the central challenge of our century in which the industrialised countries should pay for the damage done to the poor countries..

Overpopulation not the cause of overusing our earth

The gap between rich and poor and the wars in this world are the main threat to human beings’ survival.

To fight climate despair science isn’t enough

Conservative Christians have long debated humans’ role and responsibility in environmental activism, but American conservative Christians today are more concerned with how much money they can get into their purses than on what impact industrialisation might have on their surroundings.

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