Religion and politics driving people toward the poles

Can you imagine the thing that wins Jesus’s vote Dan Foster in “A Christian’s Guide to Election Choices” writes: There are two topics that one should never discuss at a dinner party: Religion and politics  — and for good reason. Religion and politics are the two topics that tend to drive people toward the poles.Continue reading “Religion and politics driving people toward the poles”

2 Corinthians 2:14 Are You Allowing God To Use You?

God, the Divine Creator, accepted the ransom offering of His only-begotten beloved son. He took that son with Him to sit with Him at His right Hand to be a mediator between Him and man. Now God calls mankind to come under Christ to Him. Answering the call of Christ and the call of hisContinue reading “2 Corinthians 2:14 Are You Allowing God To Use You?”

Messages leading to an earthly utopia

Dreams and reading a Book of books My whole life, I had lots of dreams of a better world. All the suffering I and other people had to undergo would be finished. Could that be possible? By reading the Bible, going through it from beginning to end, more than once, comparing it to historical facts,Continue reading “Messages leading to an earthly utopia”

Offering words of hope

Today lots of people clinch to social media to find a virtual world which seems better than the world they encounter in real life. Lots of people create themselves their own virtual world, with their virtual friends, but are missing the real-life contacts which build real friendships. Churches have become empty and people disinterested inContinue reading “Offering words of hope”

Prayer Bible verses to help us to get a deeper conversation with God

Many people consider Jesus to be God and as such Jesus praying to himself. Though Jesus did not pray to himself but to his heavenly Father which he considered being greater than Him. Jesus very well knew he could not do much without his heavenly Father. Consider the two scriptures that follow, as they relateContinue reading “Prayer Bible verses to help us to get a deeper conversation with God”

The Realm of profession in Christianity

A realm can be a space or area or sphere, but also a community or territory over which a sovereign rules; a kingdom. Christ Jesus asked his followers to have him as a cornerstone and to gather in union, being part of his spiritual body. We may look at the realm of Christ, his royalContinue reading “The Realm of profession in Christianity”

Ability (part 7) Thought about the ability to grow as a member of the Body of Christ

Having received the ability to live we also got some talents, which may be totally different from the talents one of our siblings got. All having received the ability to think about life also got the ability to come to see Who God is and for what purpose we are on this world. The sameContinue reading “Ability (part 7) Thought about the ability to grow as a member of the Body of Christ”

Looking at September 2016

Lots of people are enjoying their holidays. It is Summertime and most of us do not want to think yet of the new academic year. For our planning we have already a look at what September might bring for us. After the time of relaxation is time again to take things serious and to lookContinue reading “Looking at September 2016”

What Does it Really Mean to Be a Radical Follower of Jesus?

Jesus was teaching his followers what it took to truly be a disciple, but many churches have forgotten or overlooked his teachings, preferring to cling to their own dogma.

Credo of the Christadelphian

There is only one God, the Father. This is the Almighty God above all gods, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus and his followers. The only true God who tells no lies, created the world and has given mankind His infallible Word. The whole universe came into being by the Power of theContinue reading “Credo of the Christadelphian”

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