Allhallowtide with Halloween, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

There are several people who claim Halloween would be an American celebration brought over to Belgium and the Netherlands recently. Though, such days to honour or celebrate the dead has been around in these regions already for many centuries. Early on, there were the Celts who remembered their dead. The festival of Samhain or Samain,Continue reading “Allhallowtide with Halloween, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day”

Ability (part 7) Thought about the ability to grow as a member of the Body of Christ

Having received the ability to live we also got some talents, which may be totally different from the talents one of our siblings got. All having received the ability to think about life also got the ability to come to see Who God is and for what purpose we are on this world. The sameContinue reading “Ability (part 7) Thought about the ability to grow as a member of the Body of Christ”

Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection

Christians should think about the festivities and actions taking place on Easter Sunday and wonder what coloured and chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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