“Let My People Go, that they may serve me!”: The Passover & The Exodus.

Pesach or ‘The Passover’: Pesach, usually called ‘The Passover‘ in English, is the greatest of the Jewish festivals, the holiday of the year and the oldest in the Jewish calendar. Like the Christian Easter, which partly originates from it, it varies in date from year to year, but occurs in spring and lasts for sevenContinue reading ““Let My People Go, that they may serve me!”: The Passover & The Exodus.”

Who Celebrates Easter as Religious Holiday

The 2010 study by the Barna Group which explored Americans’ definition of the Easter holiday. (See: Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection) They asked a nationwide, representative sample of American adults how they would describe what Easter means to them, personally. Icon of the Resurrection (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Interestingly, thoseContinue reading “Who Celebrates Easter as Religious Holiday”

Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection

Christians should think about the festivities and actions taking place on Easter Sunday and wonder what coloured and chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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