Holidays: Inherent Joy vs. Circumstances

Originally posted on Jewish Young Professional:
Background: Happy Chanukah? Chanukah is arguably one of the easiest Jewish holidays to enjoy – no Yom Tov obligations, barely any religious obligations at all, and a great excuse to eat fried food. Religious Jews and secular Jews love it. (Which is ironic because it’s about a war between…

Celebrations pointing to events of ultimate meaning

Although other holidays sometimes get more attention, Passover and Easter/Pascha are truly the most important times of remembrance and reflection in the corresponding Jewish and Christian faiths. These celebrations point to events of ultimate meaning and call for observers not only to reflect but to prepare. The name “Easter” is not biblical, so we betterContinue reading “Celebrations pointing to events of ultimate meaning”

Month of many special moments

2 Maiko (apprentice Geisha) conversing near the Golden Temple in Kyoto, Japan. Parts of the kimono and the special make-up are clearly visible. Français : Deux maiko arborant le kimono, la coiffure et le maquillage traditionnels. Türkçe: Tipik ense makyajı Русский: Традиционная косметика и причёска гейши (Photo credit: Wikipedia) After  the festivities of 14 NisanContinue reading “Month of many special moments”

Eostre, Easter, White god, chocolate eggs, Easter bunnies and metaphorical resurrection

Christians should think about the festivities and actions taking place on Easter Sunday and wonder what coloured and chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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