How we became obsessed with ‘wellness’

Aleksander Chan, Editor Guardian US Dear reader, If there is ever a time when we could all do with a bit more “wellness” it’s now. In the face of a seemingly ever-bleaker news cycle, the Guardian US is launching a new section, Well Actually, which aims to bring some healthy scepticism to an industry proneContinue reading “How we became obsessed with ‘wellness’”

Russia War Crimes document circulating in EU, opposed by ICC chief prosecutor

Originally posted on The Snapper:
Recently, a draft has been going around a United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York for a Nuremberg-like tribunal to hold Russia responsible for all the war crimes it has committed in its war on Ukraine. Ever since the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24th this year under the…

Are we going from purgatory to hell

People should come to know that we are in the fight of our lives facing climate change which is the defining issue of our age, the central challenge of our century in which the industrialised countries should pay for the damage done to the poor countries..

The destructive man and our duty as Christians

When it comes to dealing with the inconvenient truth of our climate crisis and the threat to life as we know it on Planet Earth today, it is up to Christians to break the silence.

Determined to see this through

RMT says its members have ‘grit and determination’ for long dispute if necesary John Leach, assistant general secretary of the RMT rail union, was on the Today programme this morning talking about the proposed strikes. Here are the main points he made. Leach criticised the government for being “nowhere to be seen” in the dispute.Continue reading “Determined to see this through”

A watchman seeing the sword coming

Those who call themselves Christians must be aware of their responsibility to look out for and make known the end signs.

Human beings and creation

Homo sapiens sapiens – Deliberate deformity of the skull, \”Toulouse deformity \”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Human species think they are superior to other species and behave uncontrolled hautain. Over the years they made not only a mess of their own society and history, they also intruded the life of the other species and made itContinue reading “Human beings and creation”

Actions to be a reflection of openness of heart

The people of God heard the words Moses brought to them from the Adonai and they were willing to listen and to take them at heart. Without a willing mind, costly offerings would be abhorred. With it, the smallest will be accepted. Our hearts are willing, when we cheerfully assist in promoting the truth bothContinue reading “Actions to be a reflection of openness of heart”

Teach children the Bible

We can pray all day for our children and diligently teach them the Bible, but most important is that in that our kids see us practising what we teach them.

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