The first week of August 2022 as seen by the New York Times

August 01 Why Was Joshua Held for More Than Two Years for Someone Else’s Crimes? Honolulu incarcerated the wrong man for more than two years — a miscarriage of justice that shows the cruel inadequacy of America’s approach to mental health. Ukraine’s president urged hundreds of thousands of people living in the east to startContinue reading “The first week of August 2022 as seen by the New York Times”

The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31

July 25 After the heatwave we’ve had this past week in the UK and beyond, it would be fair to assume that some of your plants are beyond repair. But all is not lost, thanks to this great advice from Jane Perrone on how to revive your crispy plants. So, get watering! Get yourself toContinue reading “The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31”

Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24

July 18 Having left parts of southern Europe in flames, the continental heatwave is bearing down on the British Isles. That may be a boon for UK seaside resorts, but it’s not a cause for celebration. The Met Office has issued a red alert warning for this week, with southern England bracing for temperatures ofContinue reading “Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24”

The New York Times from July 11 – July 17

July 11 Ukrainain soldiers salvaging parts from a Russian armoured vehicle. The British military recently estimated the number of dead Russians at 25,000.Daniel Berehulak for The New York Times Russia seeks recruits for its war in Ukraine Russian forces desperately need new soldiers. Already, the government is using what some analysts call a “stealth mobilization”Continue reading “The New York Times from July 11 – July 17”

The Week 2022 July 11- July 17

July 11 Leaked Uber files suggest company used covert tech to thwart raids Leaked documents suggest Uber used a “kill switch” and other covert technology to prevent European regulators from examining the ride-hailing company’s business practices as it challenged taxi services around the world, according to more than 124,000 documents known as the Uber filesContinue reading “The Week 2022 July 11- July 17”

Bloomberg main messages for 11-17 July 2022

July 11 In the end, the anger on the streets of Sri Lanka finally breached the security, tear gas and rubber bullets that had helped President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to hold on to power. The defining images that surrounded his resignation this weekend were of people jumping into the presidential pool, rifling through medicine cabinets, and helpingContinue reading “Bloomberg main messages for 11-17 July 2022”

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