The first week of August 2022 as seen by the New York Times

August 01 Why Was Joshua Held for More Than Two Years for Someone Else’s Crimes? Honolulu incarcerated the wrong man for more than two years — a miscarriage of justice that shows the cruel inadequacy of America’s approach to mental health. Ukraine’s president urged hundreds of thousands of people living in the east to startContinue reading “The first week of August 2022 as seen by the New York Times”

The Guardian looking at environmental matters at the beginning of July

The European Commission decided some gas and nuclear projects could be included in the EU taxonomy of environmentally sustainable economic activities, subject to certain conditions.

With all eyes on Ukraine, our planet lost out at this week’s G7 summit

The G7 countries have once again proved that they are morally bankrupt and have no real intention to solve the climate crisis and take responsibility for this crisis caused by their disproportionate use and relentless support for fossil fuels

Composted reads for the 3rd week of May 2022

From the genus of tall perennial plants in the family Asteraceae we look at things that pollute our earth.

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