Al Jaber, the key to radical action at Cop28

Sultan Al Jaber has a dual role, being chief executive of the United Arab Emirates national oil company, Adnoc, and Cop28 president.

July 2023 is set to be the hottest month on record

The strange weather conditions of past summer show that the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent than ever before.

Climate Indicators to Watch in 2023

The year 2022 saw the US enact an unprecedented climate bill and countries take bold steps at two United Nations conferences to aid disaster-stricken developing nations and preserve what’s left of the natural world.

What was at stake in Sharm El-Sheikh

Whilst the cost of inaction is far, far greater than the cost of inaction for many countries, it was difficult to come to an agreement to contribute to a fund helping those countries most affected by pollution from the industrial and most polluting countries.

Are we going from purgatory to hell

People should come to know that we are in the fight of our lives facing climate change which is the defining issue of our age, the central challenge of our century in which the industrialised countries should pay for the damage done to the poor countries..

Ban Ki-moon called for ramping up adaptation measures to climate disasters happening around the world

In the first week of September, Louise Boyle spoke with Ban Ki-moon, former secretary general of the United Nations, about the worsening impacts of the climate crisis and upcoming climate summit, Cop27, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

2022 August biggest climate milestones

Bloomberg Green, 2022 August 9 This month’s biggest climate milestones happened over one weekend. On Sunday, the US Senate approved hundreds of billions of dollars in climate and clean-energy spending. Just two days before, climate cooperation between the US and China — the world’s largest economies and emitters — came to an abrupt halt. How these two turningContinue reading “2022 August biggest climate milestones”

An entrenched green economy

Heat waves, rain, drought, flooding and sea-level rise become increasingly intolerable. Due to the limited efforts of the US, one of the largest single sources of greenhouse gas the Paris Agreement of 2015 has become seriously imperiled over the past seven years.

Climate Warrior: Dismantling perfectionism and activism

Lizzie Carr 2022, August 03 Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who signed up to join the Planet Patrol’s citizen science Water Quality Testing Programme following last month’s newsletter. I’m grateful to have this platform, both as a cathartic outlet for climate anxiety but also to bring attention to the community-led initiativesContinue reading “Climate Warrior: Dismantling perfectionism and activism”

2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green

Noxious fumes | Dumps and landfills near South Asian megacities are huge emitters of methane, highlighting a major challenge in the global climate fight. More clouds of the greenhouse gas — which has 84 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over its first 20 years in the atmosphere — were spotted in India thanContinue reading “2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green”

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