US vetoes UN ceasefire resolution for Israel-Gaza conflict

The Times December 9, 2023: The US has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas, with Britain abstaining on the vote. The other 13 members of the council backed the motion proposed by the United Arab Emirates. The US and the UK, alongContinue reading “US vetoes UN ceasefire resolution for Israel-Gaza conflict”

In the news the Second week of December 2023

Looking at the news of the second week of December 2023

Lebanon Knows It Is on the Edge of the Abyss

If there’s another war, experts believe Lebanon may not get a chance to recover.

Al Jaber, the key to radical action at Cop28

Sultan Al Jaber has a dual role, being chief executive of the United Arab Emirates national oil company, Adnoc, and Cop28 president.

Falling into a “financial debt trap”

Why aren’t we more forthcoming in here about the reduction of our energy use?

Geopolitical Monitor: Can Syria’s Five Seas Vision Be Revived?

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Dr. Mohamed ELDoh. It is undeniable that there are ongoing political shifts in the Middle East. They are evident from some of the ongoing developments over the past months, including but not limited to China’s increasing influence in the region, some of the Arab nations indirect support for…

Climate Hero – Christiana Figueres

The Costa Rican diplomat who oversaw the Paris agreement deserves the award many times over, but this week’s warning about a potentially calamitous Cop28 deserves special recognition. Figueres said the UAE, who are hosting the summit in Dubai, are playing a “very dangerous” game that threatens the survival of vulnerable nations. The meeting is beingContinue reading “Climate Hero – Christiana Figueres”

After the earthquake the Arab League agreed to reinstate Syria

Nothing has changed since Syria was forced out of the Arab League, but now Syria is readmitted to the Arab League again.

Turning a blind eye for Syria

Many expect to see the start — if not full return — of Syria’s membership to the Arab League

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