My Secret Brexit Diary by Michel Barnier

Michel Barnier at the Science Gallery in London, discussing his book My Secret Brexit Diary: A Glorious Illusion CREDIT: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire Michel Barnier is back – and he’s brought his cane By James Crisp Europe Editor Michel Barnier may now be a busted flush but the former Brexit negotiator still has strong brand recognitionContinue reading “My Secret Brexit Diary by Michel Barnier”

Why British farmers aren’t revolting like their European counterparts

Protesters hold a banner reading ‘Without the countryside, your table is empty’ as tractors block a street in front of the agriculture ministry in Madrid CREDIT: OSCAR DEL POZO/AFP/GETTY Why British farmers aren’t revolting like their European counterparts By James Crisp Europe Editor Europe’s farmers brought the Continent to a standstill over recent weeks butContinue reading “Why British farmers aren’t revolting like their European counterparts”

Macron plays nice with China – with a warning to Germany

The French president is playing nice with Xi Jinping during his state visit to China Credit: LUDOVIC MARIN/AFP Macron plays nice with China – with a warning to Germany By James Crisp EUROPE EDITOR How best to handle China continues to divide the Conservative Party in Brexit Britain. In the EU, they are trying theContinue reading “Macron plays nice with China – with a warning to Germany”

When tomatoes disappeared from Britain’s supermarket shelves

British imports have shifted away from the EU to countries susceptible to weather issues, which are likely to be exacerbated by climate change.

Small boats crisis risks sinking Brexit peace

Emmanuel Macron and Rishi Sunak will meet on Friday for the first Anglo-French summit since 2018 Credit: Ludovic Marin, Pool via AP Small boats crisis risks sinking Brexit peace By James Crisp EUROPE EDITOR As far as Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron are concerned, the Brexit wars are over. The two leaders meet today inContinue reading “Small boats crisis risks sinking Brexit peace”

Russia not at war with Ukraine claims Kremlin hardliner

A Kremlin hardliner has made the bizarre claim that Russia is “not at war with Ukraine”, adding that Moscow was in fact fighting Britain and the US.

The Telegraph 2022 September 05 – 11

September 05 By Danny Boyle After seven weeks, the Tory leadership contest comes to a close today – and Liz Truss is widely expected to win the race. We look at what she will do if she becomes Britain’s new prime minister. Truss could freeze bills to avoid energy ‘Armageddon’ By lunchtime, we will knowContinue reading “The Telegraph 2022 September 05 – 11”

The Telegraph looking at the 4th week of August 2022

During Brexit negotiations, it was clear that the UK was not willing to pay the painful economic price Credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Britain must show the EU it’s not all talk and no trousers when it comes to ‘no deal’ Britain is yet to follow through on a single “no deal” threat it has madeContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the 4th week of August 2022”

The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022

August 08 Big-name charities resume controversial fundraising tactic Family stumble across cache of firearms while paddling in pond The Real Windsors: Queen of Steel, review: Her Majesty recast as Logan Roy from Succession Gurinder Chadha: ‘People get defensive about the British Empire but it’s our shared history’ August 09 By Danny Boyle We knew itContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022”

The Telegraph looking at the world the first week of August

August 01 Queen hails ‘inspiration’ as Lionesses make history The Queen hailed England’s women footballers as “an inspiration for future generations” after they thrilled the country with an epic victory in the final of Euro 2022. The Lionesses’ 2-1 win over Germany, after a near-perfect run to the final, was watched at Wembley Stadium andContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the world the first week of August”

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