Not liked or Hated Questions

When asking around what people do not like to be presented as questions, we can hear a plenty fold of answers. The most unwanted questions are about very personal questions, such as age, partnership, when to have children, but also politics, which party one is for or who to vote for. Further inappropriate is the question about how much one earns and sometimes anyway if one wants to know more about what someone does for a living.

Reasons why Christianity is declining rapidly in America

Christianity is declining rapidly in America. Over approximately the past decade, the percentage of Americans who identify as Christian has gone down 12% – from 75% to 63%.

How to Church Shop Like the First Christians

Watching a service may be great, but it isn’t really church. A healthy local church should see themselves as “a disparate and dishevelled group of very ordinary people, crying out to God … who fall at the feet of Christ and are filled with his presence, who become infectious agents of the kingdom in the world.”

Christians are increasingly mixing and matching their faith in unexpected ways

Research from the first quarter of 2022 shows that in-person church attendance is only 36 to 60 % of what it was pre-COVID. One can wonder if church life is running to its end, or if people could find new ways to worship God.

After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

When Christians Attack Other Christians

Originally posted on Lynn Pryor:
On average, 90,000 Christians are killed each year by those who stand opposed to Christ and His followers. [Source] It’s hard to imagine that Christians spear-heading such persecution, but it’s happened–and it’s happened right here in America. Remember the Pilgrims? Sure, you do. They came to America to give us…

Study Guide: Definition of Journalism

Originally posted on Khanam Eyes:
This is a short to-the-point guide of Khanam Eyes. In this article, we will learn about the definition of journalism. I hope these short articles will help you by providing to-the-point discussions. So, without further discussion let’s get to it. What is journalism? We will see three popular definitions of…

Time to add value

When coming out of the lockdown it might be time for you to add more value to life. Have you ever thought about the value you bring to a situation or a task? Most of us are people on our own, not exactly feeling to be bounded or united with like-minded spirits. Even several peopleContinue reading “Time to add value”

Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal

Before Jesus went to the Olive Garden where he would be taken prisoner by the Roman soldiers, Jesus had come together with his disciples in an upper room somewhere in Jerusalem, the city of David. The son of man, born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth, had come to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover withContinue reading “Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal”

Catholics facing a totally different Holy Week

For Pope Francis at the Vatican, and for Catholics worldwide from churches large and small, this will be an Easter like none other, like for real Christians this week shall be one of isolation whilst otherwise so busy with meeting and sharing the Good News. The joyous message of Christ’s resurrection will be delivered toContinue reading “Catholics facing a totally different Holy Week”

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