Why It’s Dangerous to Take the Bible Literally

The Bible is full of all kinds of nuanced language. and by reading it people ought to take a more nuanced approach than merely accepting everything they read as fact, or else they’ll end up looking a little bit silly.

It’s Time To Reveal

Originally posted on Real….Raw… UNMASKED:
Hi!  My name is Kelly and I wear a mask. Yes, a mask.  “Well, don’t we all” ..you might say. I prided myself in being me but in reality I was trying to be the person I was expected to be. I used to help women find what their…

Christians are increasingly mixing and matching their faith in unexpected ways

Research from the first quarter of 2022 shows that in-person church attendance is only 36 to 60 % of what it was pre-COVID. One can wonder if church life is running to its end, or if people could find new ways to worship God.

Expected actions following a published report

How can Johnson’s partisans say that he is not held personally responsible for what went on in Downing Street Nr. 10?

New coronavirus measures having come into force

The necessity of stronger measures to avoid more people entering the hospital, has now children from 6 years onwards to wear mouth masks.

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