Not enough time to keep pace with writing for different websites

Some good news: Congratulations! Your site, Some View on the World, passed 10,000 all-time views. The previous days I was very busy with things that had to be done around the house as well as for problems I had with my car, as well as the need to find enough time to write articles forContinue reading “Not enough time to keep pace with writing for different websites”

The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 28

By Danny Boyle Beijing is facing unprecedented disobedience as anti-lockdown demonstrations spread across China. We have the latest from on the ground – and the response of stock markets. Anti-lockdown marches sweep China in threat to Xi It is the most direct challenge to Beijing since the Tiananmen Square protests. Chinese protesters have called forContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 28”

E is for everything

Dear reader Energy.   We’ve spent hundreds of years trying to understand it. We’ve picked it apart, harnessed it and herded it into equations like E = mc2 and E = 1/2m x v2 to baffle successive generations of schoolchildren.   Energy is no less central today than it was in the days of NewtonContinue reading “E is for everything”

The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022

August 08 Big-name charities resume controversial fundraising tactic Family stumble across cache of firearms while paddling in pond The Real Windsors: Queen of Steel, review: Her Majesty recast as Logan Roy from Succession Gurinder Chadha: ‘People get defensive about the British Empire but it’s our shared history’ August 09 By Danny Boyle We knew itContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022”

The New-York Times looking at June 16 – June 26

Ten days in the spotlight: Afghanistan, Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Israel, France, Great Britain, a.o. countries.

Is the climate crisis truly serious? What actions can we take?

Originally posted on The Curious Mag:
What is climate change and isn’t it a natural process? The ‘climate crisis’ refers to global climate change that is happening too rapidly for the world to adapt. Climate Change means rising average temperatures which cause extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising sea levels, and a…

Composted reads for the first part of May 2022

Good and bad news for our environment, brought by the Guardian

Can turning down our radiators turn up the heat on Putin?

Fiona Harvey looking at our use of gas.

Good time to sort out your friends and contacts

In these corona times we have to limit our contacts, keep social distance and have to keep ourselves healthy and safe. In life we meet lots of people in lots of different situations; We encounter good but also bad things. Bad events we best forget as soon as possible, but even better for the nextContinue reading “Good time to sort out your friends and contacts”

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