Is the climate crisis truly serious? What actions can we take?

Each individual can already start at home by not using more water and energy than necesarry, plus taking care of a ‘healthy’ flowerful garden with a variety of trees.

It is also important for everyone at home and at work to ensure that they do not use polluting products and systems (so get rid of all those polluting coffee capsules) and to use as little plastic packaging as possible. When buying fruit and vegetables, cotton bags are a good alternative to paper and plastic bags.

We all should engage and stimulate others to consume less and to have less waste, which should be sorted and ecologically processed.

We must change our buying and eating habits and adopt better living habits.




  1. Efforts are not sufficient to reach the 1.5-degree goal
  2. Good reason to speak to climate deniers
  3. IPCC Climate Change Report Upstaged by Ukraine
  4. Can carbon capture and storage really help halt the climate crisis?
  5. Saving our climate is possible – but it requires action now
  6. We won’t cut meat-eating until we put the planet before profit


Additional reading

  1. Health Ranger apocalypse warnings already given in 2012
  2. Climate change guilty of doing too little
  3. Streams caused by temperature differences
  4. The natural beauties of life
  5. Capitalism and relevance to climate change
  6. State capitalism and climate emergency
  7. J.B Mackinnon’s The Day the World Stops Shopping: Book Review
  8. An Open Letter to the People Who Are Trying to Kill Us



  1. Climate Chaos?
  2. Why capitalism massively intensified the climate crisis, and why only collective action can solve it.
  3. Why capitalism massively intensified the climate crisis, and why only collective action can solve it
  4. Troposphere Is Expanding Due to Climate Change – That Is Not a Good News!
  5. ‘Atlas of Human Suffering’: New UN Climate Report Is Shockingly Grim
  6. Climate situation now dire, IPCC reports
  7. Australia to face more floods, bushfires in ‘cascading’ effects of climate change: IPCC
  8. Rising danger, crippling costs: Climate change report a grim warning for Canada
  9. The IPCC AR6 WG2 Report: A Teachers’ Guide
  10. IPCC report set to focus on fossil fuel reduction
  11. Latest IPCC Reports Underscore Threat of Climate Disinformation
  12. We can still turn the corner if we act now
  13. UN warns Earth ‘firmly on track toward an unlivable world’
  14. Kolkata case study in IPCC report on climate change
  15. U.N. climate change report: ‘The time for talk has passed’
  16. Time to turn from cars to housing on wide downtown streets
  17. IPCC: Limiting warning to 1.5°C is almost beyond reach
  18. Earth Minute: Climate Change Report
  19. Media focusses on agriculture’s 10% of greenhouse gas emissions – but not on transport’s c25%
  20. Last word from the IPPC before things really heat up
  21. The People vs COP 26
  22. Let’s talk about ‘Greenwashing’
  23. Gaslight, Gatekeep, Greenwash!

The Curious Mag

What is climate change and isn’t it a natural process?

The ‘climate crisis’ refers to global climate change that is happening too rapidly for the world to adapt. Climate Change means rising average temperatures which cause extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising sea levels, and a range of other impacts. All these changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

It is true that the Earth’s climate goes through natural temperature cycles over long periods of time due to naturally occurring greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as water vapour, methane and carbon dioxide. These are organically added into the atmosphere through the processes of decomposition, respiration, natural forest fires and ocean release. There have been around 7 glacial advances and retreat cycles in the last 650,000 years i.e. rise and fall in global average temperatures.

But it is important to note that…

View original post 945 more words

Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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