It’s Time To Reveal

Originally posted on Real….Raw… UNMASKED:
Hi!  My name is Kelly and I wear a mask. Yes, a mask.  “Well, don’t we all” might say. I prided myself in being me but in reality I was trying to be the person I was expected to be. I used to help women find what their…

Presenting views from different sources

To give an overview of what appears in the international press and what may be important points that deserve our attention, a lot of work needs to be done, and the question can be asked whether enough readers are interested in it.

The intention of this site was to provide a free overview of interesting events and to present a variety of different news articles. But due to the very low interest in these overview articles of newspaper reports, I doubt whether it is still useful to spend so much time on it.

Russian doctors plead for end to war

Following their oaths and maintaining a humane and equal treatment of all lives, Russian doctors, nurses and paramedics, strongly oppose the military actions carried out by Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine and demand an immediate suspension of all operations with the use of lethal weapons.

Dying or not

Are there people who have no death in them? According to Scriptures nobody is going to escape death. Since what happened in Eden we all have to face pain, ageing, deterioration, dying. Immortality is not given to us worldly people. We are all going to die, which means that we are going to cease toContinue reading “Dying or not”

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