The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31

Things you need to know what happened July 25 House Jan. 6 committee to interview more Trump Cabinet members The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack said Sunday it would interview more members of former President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, as well as other prominent supporters. The committee also is prepared toContinue reading “The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31”

The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31

July 25 After the heatwave we’ve had this past week in the UK and beyond, it would be fair to assume that some of your plants are beyond repair. But all is not lost, thanks to this great advice from Jane Perrone on how to revive your crispy plants. So, get watering! Get yourself toContinue reading “The Guardian 2022 July 25 – July 31”

Good and bad news for the 4th week of April

The good news Sea-farmed supercrop: how seaweed could transform the way we live Experts believe that seaweed could be a key crop in the “protein shift” away from meat. Some of last spring’s harvest here hit about 30% protein, close to the level that would make it compete against the world’s other big protein sourcesContinue reading “Good and bad news for the 4th week of April”

Lies for Likes

Originally posted on Bexsblogs:
Journalists who compromised the code of ethics. Many, if not all, journalists are taught from the beginning of their journalism classes that they owe to the public?the truth and what is ethical. Journalists are taught that they owe the audience the truth, including all facts, and that they should represent the…

31 years ago also facing a world threat

31 years ago the world got to see the first major international crisis of the post-Cold War era, and the U.S.-led response would set important precedents for the use of military force over subsequent decades.

Church of England under fire in wake of Liverpool suicide bombing for helping asylum seekers to ‘game’ system

A suicide bomb attack in Liverpool by a terror suspect who’s said to have moved to the UK from a Middle Eastern country several years ago, before converting to Christianity.

Iraq to repatriate citizens from Belarus-Poland border

The Iraqi government is to repatriate its citizens stranded on the border between Belarus and Poland, as the migrant crisis continues under deteriorating and harsh conditions.

Trump brand of migrant demonization #2

English: The Ethnic composition of Muslims in the United States, according to the United States Department of State based on the publication of Being Muslim in America as of March 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The so called Christian American politicians John Kasich, Bobby Jindal, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, John Kasich, but also democrat Maggie HassanContinue reading “Trump brand of migrant demonization #2”

African misery and women inequality

The widespread sectarian violence and ongoing military conflicts in several political hotspots, including Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, have not only claimed thousands of human lives and devastated fragile economies but also undermined the U.N.’s longstanding plans to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty worldwide. The U.N. Development Programme (UNDP), the world body’s lead agency monitoring humanContinue reading “African misery and women inequality”

Iraqi Underclass and animosities

writes: Previous Weekly Numbers have documented growing religious hostilities in Iraq. The missing headline — as the Sunni-led Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), formerly affiliated with al-Qaeda, battle Shia-dominated government forces — is a phrase from Bill Clinton\’s 1992 campaign strategist James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid.” But, it\’s not oil and the negativeContinue reading “Iraqi Underclass and animosities”

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