The Dream home for the future

Write about your dream home. *** Who does not dream of a beautiful place where he can live in peace and all luxury? I from childhood onwards, I had marvellous ideas about a world still to come; As a kid, I did not see the badness of this world and imagined, as an adult, IContinue reading “The Dream home for the future”

Holidays: Inherent Joy vs. Circumstances

Originally posted on Jewish Young Professional:
Background: Happy Chanukah? Chanukah is arguably one of the easiest Jewish holidays to enjoy – no Yom Tov obligations, barely any religious obligations at all, and a great excuse to eat fried food. Religious Jews and secular Jews love it. (Which is ironic because it’s about a war between…

A Brief Look at NATO and Russia’s Push to Reform the Old Soviet Union

Originally posted on Looking for the Blessed Hope:
For those old enough to remember the cold war with Russia, many of the details have likely been forgotten. For those born after those tenuous days (or too young to know what was happening), the growing tension with the Red Bear is likely new territory. So, let’s…

Not daring to show a connection

For several sorts of Christians Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11). Palm Sunday is the day that they celebrate Jesus in his humble glory riding a donkey into the city of David, as the crowds and children cry out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!Continue reading “Not daring to show a connection”

Gospel of Thomas and Nature of Jesus

Jesus  Christ his original name was Jeshua ben Joseph. He was born in a Essene family and as such as a devout Jew he only worshipped the Only One True God of Israel, the God of Abraham Who is a singular eternal Spirit Being no man can see. Throughout the times we can see JewsContinue reading “Gospel of Thomas and Nature of Jesus”

Background of Faith

The Word of God in the Old Testament or Hebrew Writings as well as in the New Testament or Greek Messianic Writings speaks about people who had a faith or certain belief in a Higher Power, the Most High Maker Elohim Hashem Jehovah. We can see or read that faith has something to do withContinue reading “Background of Faith”

Jeshua-ists and Messianics

In the world of Messianics we may find a problem that there are Messianic Jews and Messianic groups who have believers in a triune god instead of believing the God of the Jewish rebbe Jeshua, Jesus Christ, Who is the God of Israel and the God of Abraham. Facing that problem several Jews who cameContinue reading “Jeshua-ists and Messianics”

New website and forum: the Human Jesus

Today we still find lots of Christians who do not want to believe the words of God and His son Jeshua, better known by them as Jesus Christ. Lots of Christians instead of believing the Biblical Truth and the words of the Bible still look at Jesus as their god instead of accepting that heContinue reading “New website and forum: the Human Jesus”

Written down in God’s Name for righteousness

    “23  It is not written for him only, that it was reckoned {|counted|} to him for righteousness: 24 but also for us, to whom it shall be counted for righteousness so we believe on him that raised, up Jesus our Lord from death.” (Romans 4:23-24 TRC) “Whatsoever things are written aforetime, are writtenContinue reading “Written down in God’s Name for righteousness”

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