The reason why we can not accept believers to be partakers of a Pride Parade

For several years now we have been able to review “Pride Parades” in various countries across Europe. In those parades it is always noticeable that certain participants consider it necessary to do things that a normal person would only do behind closed doors. During such parades, certain participants do not hesitate to perform challenging sexualContinue reading “The reason why we can not accept believers to be partakers of a Pride Parade”

Het beste van de week volgens De Morgen voor de 2de week van Augustus 2022

Beste lezer, Er is het oprukkende apenpokkenvirus, de oorlog in Oekraïne, de onrust rond Taiwan en de aanhoudende droogte in eigen land. Het zijn hoogst belangrijke thema’s waarover onze journalisten elke dag opnieuw de juiste vragen proberen te stellen om tot een zo inzichtelijk en intelligent mogelijk artikel te komen. Regiojournalistiek verdient diezelfde scherpte. In de rubriek Blik op België leggenContinue reading “Het beste van de week volgens De Morgen voor de 2de week van Augustus 2022”

LGBTQ+ people Welcome or not welcome in a Church

Dan Foster did the test to find out how churches would welcome or not welcome LGBTQ+ people .

Ability (part 6) Thought about the ability of God’s Provision Bringing Glory

God’s Provision Brings Glory Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. Psalm 50:15 Did you know that you bring glory to God by calling upon Him when you are in distress? God promised He would deliver you if you turned to Him. You deny theContinue reading “Ability (part 6) Thought about the ability of God’s Provision Bringing Glory”

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