Traditional News Turns into The Journalism We Know Now

Originally posted on The News: Journalism or Gossip:
Reference the articles below about gossip and journalism separately and their place in the news world. Our world has slowly changed from the traditional black and white newspapers towards multimedia platforms. Not only has the point of view shifted but how it is presented is the most…

The End of Journalism

+ Preceding Written-down thoughts Study Guide: Definition of Journalism Identifying Journalism Safeguarding freedom of expression Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting News that’s fit to print Jacob Robinson A Post-Truth world heralded the end of journalism as we knew it. And — in the wise words of Buzzfeed — “That’s a good thing!” ViewContinue reading “The End of Journalism”

Media Literacy

Originally posted on Aisha's Blog:
Media Literacy in the digital landscape is the way in which we as a society understands media and the encoded messages behind it. Fake news, cancel culture, and outrage culture have all contributed to the way in which we understand the news and people around us. It’s crazy how…

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