Newspapers: Dying or Changing

Originally posted on What's Going On? :
In a world where everything is becoming digital from money, education, work, and relationships, it would be a good guess to assume that the idea of a newspaper will eventually burn out and be a thing of the past, yet they are still hanging on to some key…

Mississippi journalists discuss the evolution of daily newspapers

By using social media the loudest groups of fanatics try to drive the conversation, not rational, solid, considered thinkers, Christian or not, to bring a sort of news that is often very far from reality. Mainstream journalism has been ruined by these phenomena and the danger exists that certain newspapers fall into the trap toContinue reading “Mississippi journalists discuss the evolution of daily newspapers”

Traditional News Turns into The Journalism We Know Now

Originally posted on The News: Journalism or Gossip:
Reference the articles below about gossip and journalism separately and their place in the news world. Our world has slowly changed from the traditional black and white newspapers towards multimedia platforms. Not only has the point of view shifted but how it is presented is the most…

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