Behaviour of American Christians

Our lives as Christians should always reflect the teachings of Christ.

This means being kind and loving to others regardless of their beliefs or lifestyle choices. We must remember that every action we take speaks volumes about what kind of people we are and how seriously we take our faith.

Problems with church counseling for gay people

When gay people are looking for a church it might well be that they come up against a wall of contradiction and damnation. Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager Mike Rosebush, PhD, looks at ministry leaders and pastors who may have much Bible knowledge and an empathetic heart, but says:  However, most of those leadersContinue reading “Problems with church counseling for gay people”

American secularism is growing — and growing more complicated

Americans are getting less “religious,” and do fewer traditionally religious things, such as belonging to a denomination, attending worship services or feeling certain that God exists.

Quakers: Their History, Beliefs and Meticulous Records

Originally posted on Ancestry Bird Dog:
Quakers, the Religious Society of Friends Quakers are members of a group with Christian roots that began in England in the 1650s. The formal title of the movement is the Society of Friends or the Religious Society of Friends.? Their founder was George Fox (1624-1691) of Leicestershire, England. Fox…

Consumers have come to depend on information sources not filtered or managed by information professionals

Sound Eagle writes The phenomenal rises and impacts of Misquotation Pandemic, Disinformation Polemic and Viral Falsity have been so embedded and pervasive as to render or qualify them as highly corrupting forces and exacerbating factors in the broader sociopolitical environment. The sheer extent and potency of 🧠 Mind Pollution by Viral Falsity 🦠 in atomizingContinue reading “Consumers have come to depend on information sources not filtered or managed by information professionals”

Welcome to Abomination Church!

Originally posted on PastorJDO3:
Welcome to Abomination Church!  Here, We are a MESS! In this day, we have churches popping up on every street corner.  We have some of the most creative and attractive names, captivating slogans, missions statements, logos and the like.  It’s marketing at its best.  Communicating righteousness, holiness, godliness, community, evangelism and service under…

Internal or external devil

On our ecclesial contact form Anthony Buzzard wrote: Can you please explain how the Devil can be internal when in Matthew 4 he is said to approach Jesus from the outside? How can the tempter there mean a temptation from within when he is expressly said to come from the outside? Thanks for your answer.Continue reading “Internal or external devil”

Human beings and creation

Homo sapiens sapiens – Deliberate deformity of the skull, \”Toulouse deformity \”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Human species think they are superior to other species and behave uncontrolled hautain. Over the years they made not only a mess of their own society and history, they also intruded the life of the other species and made itContinue reading “Human beings and creation”

Are Christadelphians so Old Fashioned?

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Zijn Christadelphians zo \’Old fashioned\’? The ‘Sunday Reading’ from The Christadelphian (90.1072.309), 1953 is quoted and called ‘old fashioned’ by popular opinion, but numerous professional studies confirm their opinion about what we do have to encounter or the many sexualised content is damaging. Today we can find an over sexualisedContinue reading “Are Christadelphians so Old Fashioned?”

A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia

My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of JesusContinue reading “A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia”

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