Problems with church counseling for gay people

When gay people are looking for a church it might well be that they come up against a wall of contradiction and damnation. Gay Married| Founder/Writer “GAYoda” | Counselor/Encourager Mike Rosebush, PhD, looks at ministry leaders and pastors who may have much Bible knowledge and an empathetic heart, but says:  However, most of those leadersContinue reading “Problems with church counseling for gay people”

Same sex relationships and Open attitude mirroring Jesus

In Hiding or opening attitude for same sex relationships we pointed out that it perhaps would be better that people questioned themselves which attitude Jesus would take, before they judge somebody. Director of Oasis Trust, Steve Chalke believes about our attitude to people who have another feeling for giving their love to somebody are changing,Continue reading “Same sex relationships and Open attitude mirroring Jesus”

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