The Guardian looking at the first week of August

The Guardian looks at women footballers and at researchers that warn that climate breakdown could exacerbate or trigger other catastrophic risks, plus further events for the first week of August 2022.

The Telegraph from July 04 – July 10

At the beginning of this month, a lot of interest was taken in Boris Johnson but the dust settles after his dramatic resignation

After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

Living and Loving Faithfully

A Response to the Church of England’s Document and Discourse on Sexuality, Marriage and Gender. New Testament Marriage, Blessings & Covenants: This year, in England and Wales at least, the ‘Gay Marriage‘ controversy has been hitting the headlines again, especially in recent weeks, with the Church in Wales performing its first service of blessing for aContinue reading “Living and Loving Faithfully”

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