The Telegraph Frontpage for Thursday 2023 February 02

By Danny Boyle Good morning. Despite more than half of schools being impacted by strike action, support from teachers appeared not to be as significant as feared. Also today, we cover a diversity crisis in the RAF – and today’s expected rate rise by the Bank of England. RAF diversity ‘discriminated against 160 white men’Continue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for Thursday 2023 February 02”

The Telegraph Frontpage for Friday 2023 January 13

By Danny Boyle Amid ongoing debate over Britain’s net zero target, an official review has suggested that new gas boilers be banned earlier than planned. Our environment editor examines the cost to householders. In breaking news, Lisa Marie Presley – pictured above with her mother and Elvis actor Austin Butler earlier this week – hasContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for Friday 2023 January 13”

The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 17

By Danny Boyle Good morning. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will deliver his Autumn Statement of tax rises and spending cuts this morning, as we reveal how Whitehall has wasted £14bn of taxpayers’ money. Hunt to set out £24bn in levies and £30bn in cuts Having been as forthright as he could possibly be in preparing theContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 17”

2022 end of July Bloomberg selection

July 25 The contest to succeed Boris Johnson moves up a gear today with the first head-to-head debate between the two candidates vying to become Conservative Party leader and UK prime minister. It’s unlikely to be pretty. Key reading: Truss Promises Low-Tax UK Investment Zones in Pitch to Tory Base The Pound’s Woes Run Deep,Continue reading “2022 end of July Bloomberg selection”

The EU Treaties

Originally posted on 21centurymanifesto:
  HOW THE EU IS STRUCTURED TO SUPPORT BIG BUSINESS To understand the EU’s neo-liberal character and why it enforces austerity so rigorously, we have to go back to the Single European Act of 1986. This set the legal framework for the EU as it exists today.? The drafters of this…

Mix of strong demand and limited supply igniting inflation

Europe is facing sky-high prices, with many households ending up in financial difficulties. Government leaders must do something about this before it goes off the rails.

Gang Fascism: How Capital Weaponizes the Social Ills It Creates

Originally posted on Left of Left:
By Rainer Shea   In?The Peasant War in Germany, Friedrich Engels wrote: The lumpenproletariat, this scum of the decaying elements of all classes, which establishes headquarters in all the big cities, is the worst of all possible allies. It is an absolutely venal, an absolutely brazen crew. If the French workers,…

Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’

Vatican City, Jun 13, 2014 / 07:00 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In an interview granted with Spanish-language magazine “La Vanguardia” on Monday, Pope Francis lauded Pius XII for his efforts in saving Jews, discussed Orthodox-Catholic relations, as well as the motivations behind his prayer meeting at the Vatican last Sunday. Below, please find the full textContinue reading “Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’”

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