Put Putin on trial!

Originally posted on High Plains Blogger:
Vladimir Putin needs to be tried for war crimes against civilians in Ukraine … of that I am utterly certain. The Russian goon/thug/strongman/despot/tyrant has stooped to even lower lows than I thought possible. His military is now targeting heating infrastructure in Ukraine as the temperatures start to plummet to…

Russia War Crimes document circulating in EU, opposed by ICC chief prosecutor

Originally posted on The Snapper:
Recently, a draft has been going around a United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York for a Nuremberg-like tribunal to hold Russia responsible for all the war crimes it has committed in its war on Ukraine. Ever since the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24th this year under the…

The New-York Times looking at June 16 – June 26

Ten days in the spotlight: Afghanistan, Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Israel, France, Great Britain, a.o. countries.

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