Frontpage messages for the week of November 27-December 03 2023

Looking the most important news facts for the last week of November 2023

2nd week of August 2022 by Bloomberg

August 08 US Democrats finally have something to celebrate. President Joe Biden emerged from a prolonged period of isolation due to Covid-19 right as a massive $430 billion climate, energy and tax bill that was critical to his domestic agenda was passed by the Senate yesterday. His party was disciplined in just getting it done, showingContinue reading “2nd week of August 2022 by Bloomberg”

The New York Times for the 2nd week of August 2022

August 08 Children in Gaza City reacted to an Israeli airstrike on Saturday. Over the weekend, 44 Palestinians, including 15 children, were killed, health officials said.Mohammed Abed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images A cease-fire in Gaza Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza agreed to a cease-fire late last night, which appeared to hold as of thisContinue reading “The New York Times for the 2nd week of August 2022”

The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022

August 08 Big-name charities resume controversial fundraising tactic Family stumble across cache of firearms while paddling in pond The Real Windsors: Queen of Steel, review: Her Majesty recast as Logan Roy from Succession Gurinder Chadha: ‘People get defensive about the British Empire but it’s our shared history’ August 09 By Danny Boyle We knew itContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022”

The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week

August 01 1st ship containing Ukrainian grain leaves port under deal The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain left the Odesa port on Monday under a deal seeking to get a backlog of crops out of the country to ease a growing global hunger crisis. The ship was headed to Lebanon with more than 26,000 tonsContinue reading “The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week”

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