Wildfires all over the northern hemisphere in 2023

Climate change has spurred on hotter, drier conditions around the world that have lengthened fire seasons in many regions, including California, Europe and Siberia. Changes to the climate have put more energy into the atmosphere, which means severe lightning storms are happening much further north.


Originally posted on 50 years old wisdom:
21st century. The era of callousness. Some might say that I am an old sad woman. Old? Maybe, although I am in early 50s and rather going through my midlife rebirth. Sad? Well, the world around me became miserable, so yes, sometimes I am sad, but I am generally…

What was at stake in Sharm El-Sheikh

Whilst the cost of inaction is far, far greater than the cost of inaction for many countries, it was difficult to come to an agreement to contribute to a fund helping those countries most affected by pollution from the industrial and most polluting countries.

Ban Ki-moon called for ramping up adaptation measures to climate disasters happening around the world

In the first week of September, Louise Boyle spoke with Ban Ki-moon, former secretary general of the United Nations, about the worsening impacts of the climate crisis and upcoming climate summit, Cop27, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

The destructive man and our duty as Christians

When it comes to dealing with the inconvenient truth of our climate crisis and the threat to life as we know it on Planet Earth today, it is up to Christians to break the silence.

The Guardian looking at climate matters for the third week of June

June 21 Five highly protected marine areas planned for English waters June 22 Salmon firm’s plan to fly fish in its own Boeing 757 alarms campaigners June 23 Pump up the volume: Cornish village to pilot communal grid for green energy June 24 UK chemicals plant ready to start carbon capture rollout Story of theContinue reading “The Guardian looking at climate matters for the third week of June”

IPCC Climate Change Report Upstaged by Ukraine

Originally posted on Dare to Know:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its Sixth Report in the midst of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. Find out why the unfortunate timing has diverted attention from a growing global crisis. We can’t say that nobody warned us. Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius discovered the fact that releasing…

World leaders gathering in the Scottish city of Glasgow for the UN climate conference

Facing the terrible consequences of our carelessness and neglect of nature around us this time, the world leaders shall not only have to come up with promises, but they shall also have to make sure that all promises are met.
To avert climate disaster, we need resilient societies built on love and respect, not just technology

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