Spreading of bird flu, Western food and missing girls

Six-year-old Tamir Munkhbayar is training to become a child jockey CREDIT: Simon Townsley Horse riding and racing is deeply ingrained in Mongolia’s nomadic heritage. But a requirement for riders to weigh no more than 35 kg means that competitors in national, provincial and local contests are always young children. The dangerous custom has killed atContinue reading “Spreading of bird flu, Western food and missing girls”

About sleep and other matters

Dorjoo Borkhuu, four, struggles to get one of his family’s cows to its feet in sub-zero conditions CREDIT: SImon Townsley The strain of exertion spreads across the little Mongolian boy’s face as he grabs hold of a rope fastened around a slumped cow’s neck, bends his knees and heaves with every muscle in his bodyContinue reading “About sleep and other matters”

Composted Reads for the 3rd week of November 2023

Composted Reads The good news ‘We can’t carry on’: the godfather of microplastics on how to stop them Can goats and sheep stop wildfires? This shepherdess is rallying the flock ‘Inestimable importance’: 500-year-old cache of pressed flowers reveals new secrets The bad news More people not having children due to climate breakdown fears, finds researchContinue reading “Composted Reads for the 3rd week of November 2023”

Croatia: The Glamorization of Fascism

Originally posted on Red October Goth:
Croatian-Australians marching in Sydney waving flags of the Nazi puppet Independent State of Croatia and portraits of Ustasha-lover Franjo Tudjman. “If the Croats were part of the Reich, we’d have them serving as faithful auxiliaries of the German Führer, to police our marshes. The Croats are a proud people…The…

The Guardian headlines about nature for September

About ice sheets

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