European Youth Event 2023: The effects of climate change

Climate change will cost billions of euros and damage all our economic sectors. Even if we manage to slash emissions, the world is still likely to reach 1.5°C of warming within the next 20 years. This means that the impacts of climate change will become increasingly severe, with more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green

Noxious fumes | Dumps and landfills near South Asian megacities are huge emitters of methane, highlighting a major challenge in the global climate fight. More clouds of the greenhouse gas — which has 84 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over its first 20 years in the atmosphere — were spotted in India thanContinue reading “2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green”

Stories from the climate warrior for the first half of July

Half a year after the Cop 26 climate summit drew to a close, action at the scale and pace needed has not materialised, while warnings about record-breaking heatwaves, sea level rising and climate-related food insecurity are near-daily.   Alok Sharma, Cop 26 president, put it this way.   “Leaders have not done enough to deliverContinue reading “Stories from the climate warrior for the first half of July”

Bloomberg looking at our planet 2nd half of June

Not so insignificant events that affect our well-being June 22 Climate Change a Factor in ‘Unprecedented’ South Asia Floods Scientists say climate change is a factor behind the erratic and early rains that triggered floods. Europe Wildfire Risk Heightened By Early Heat Waves, Drought High fuel costs for aircraft needed to fight wildfires have alsoContinue reading “Bloomberg looking at our planet 2nd half of June”

How secret courts are helping fuel the climate crisis

The closed-door tribunals are the biggest threat to the Paris climate agreement.

Labor’s election win shows Australia is ready to be part of the solution

A nine-year-old conservative government led by Scott Morrison suffered a historic defeat. It has been reduced to its smallest share of seats in the national parliament in more than 70 years.

Is the climate crisis truly serious? What actions can we take?

Originally posted on The Curious Mag:
What is climate change and isn’t it a natural process? The ‘climate crisis’ refers to global climate change that is happening too rapidly for the world to adapt. Climate Change means rising average temperatures which cause extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising sea levels, and a…

We won’t cut meat-eating until we put the planet before profit

The massive impact of meat eating on the planet has only just begun. Science remains open to debate and branding advice that the overconsumption of meat is harmful as “extremist” or “alarmist”.

Saving our climate is possible – but it requires action now

Fiona Harvey “It’s now or never, if we want to limit global warming to 1.5C.” That was the stark verdict of the final instalment of the most important scientific report on the climate ever compiled. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, made up of the world’s leading climate scientists, published the third part of itsContinue reading “Saving our climate is possible – but it requires action now”

Can carbon capture and storage really help halt the climate crisis?

In principle CCS and GGR could make significant contributions to tackling climate change, but we should have been developing these techniques with greater intent 10-20 years ago.

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