Archbishop of Canterbury threatened over gay marriage by MPs

There were boos and jeers as a liberal bishop lashed out at a conservative Christian’s “adversarial approach”.

Holidays: Inherent Joy vs. Circumstances

Originally posted on Jewish Young Professional:
Background: Happy Chanukah? Chanukah is arguably one of the easiest Jewish holidays to enjoy – no Yom Tov obligations, barely any religious obligations at all, and a great excuse to eat fried food. Religious Jews and secular Jews love it. (Which is ironic because it’s about a war between…

American secularism is growing — and growing more complicated

Americans are getting less “religious,” and do fewer traditionally religious things, such as belonging to a denomination, attending worship services or feeling certain that God exists.

After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

Conscientious Objectors

Originally posted on "Speaking the Truth in Love":
This is a follow up to a previous article presenting another point of view on the same topic. I was a young man of eighteen as the war in Vietnam was raging.? Night after night the news revealed an endless stream of body bags as…

Christians close to falling below 50pc in England

As in other industrialised countries, Great Britain is feeling the loss in its churches after the first year of CoViD isolations and lockdown.

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