After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

A watchman seeing the sword coming

Those who call themselves Christians must be aware of their responsibility to look out for and make known the end signs.

What is happening in America to religion and to the language of faith

Writing about relationships, masculinity, philosophy and other analytical vagaries, Jaret Redfearn wonders why Americans are abandoning organised religion. For decades the United States American Government has been removing religious affiliations and cooperations from other public services, like schools. The founding fathers of the American nation were very religious and went to great lengths to protectContinue reading “What is happening in America to religion and to the language of faith”

Christians close to falling below 50pc in England

As in other industrialised countries, Great Britain is feeling the loss in its churches after the first year of CoViD isolations and lockdown.

Is religion like a physical trait

Some people unrighteously regard religion as a physical trait because they do not see the real purpose of those who try to bring their power over others and who are not afraid to use violence to do so.

For those who do everything to stop the work of Christadelphians

In this godless world we do find lots of people who try to get people away from their faith in the only One True God. The majority of the people who are against Christadelpians are people who call themselves Christian. They tell all sort of lies about the founding fathers of the Christadelphians and mostlyContinue reading “For those who do everything to stop the work of Christadelphians”

When Bad Things Happen

Sair Ching Psalm 105 When Bad Things Happen Why would a loving God allow bad things to happen to good people? People will choose to lose their faith in God because of a series of events they feel are unjust, and that God could have prevented. At some stage, bad things are going to happenContinue reading “When Bad Things Happen”

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