
What is happening in the world in recent months frightens many people.
A majority of those people have no knowledge of what is written in the Holy Scriptures or the Bible about times that are bound to come.

When we read the mentioned prophecies of times to come or of those “Last Days“, it is safe to say that we can see many features of that coming time coming upon us. This need not alarm us, but rather reassure us, for those who believe in the One True God, can now watch as we draw closer to that promised time of the coming Kingdom of Christ and the Kingdom of God.

But that does not mean we can just stand by without doing anything.

We are supposed to take care of nature according to the commandments of the only True God, the Elohim Hashem Jehovah, Who has given us that nature in loan. Bad enough, man has rather selfishly tried to produce and acquire as much material as possible without regard to that nature, which he has gradually damaged so much that it is already five past twelve to come to the rescue of that nature.

Today we do find many people in despair. They feel they like they are stuck, caught up in a political system that they do not like, and in a world where everything seems to go wrong.

Rather than trying to run and hide from fear and despair, they better would come to understand what is going on and why everything seems to go like it is happening in this world.

All people shall have to move through the fear and despair they are experiencing in their life. Depending on where they live and what happens around them, they may encounter less or more fear. But when having more knowledge about what is going on people shall be able to live with their fear and might be looking forward to times with lesser fear and even with hope for peace and a marvellous life.

There are people who think everything shall be destroyed, but we can assure them that will not be, because the Divine Maker of everything has other Plans for the universe and living beings.

Those who believe in the Bible, the infallible Word of God, have no reason to worry or to be afraid, though the knowledge that the world might enter into a phase going up to World War III might not be a pleasant prospect. But it is a period we do have to pass.

If we are to believe the prophecies indicated in the Bible, we can see plenty of signs indicating that we are approaching those deliberate times of tribulation and terrible trouble.

All people are placed before a choice and it is up to every individual to make the right choice, so that he or she will be able to endure those difficult times and hardness to come.



  1. Hamas the modern Philistines
  2. Dying or not
  3. A Brief Look at NATO and Russia’s Push to Reform the Old Soviet Union
  4. A Living Faith #4 Effort


Additional reading

  1. A Book to trust #20 Available in many languages #3
  2. Creator and Blogger God 8 A Blog of a Book 2 Holy One making Scriptures Holy
  3. Today’s thought “Inspired to a sincere and pure way of thinking” (December 15)
  4. Today’s thought “For you created all things” (December 22)
  5. Today’s thought “Who is able to … and to present you” (December 20)
  6. The Prophets Inquire into and Testify About Salvation
  7. A book of life and a man born more than two thousand years ago
  8. Looking at today’s Psalm reading: Psalm 72
  9. Atonement And Fellowship 6/8
  10. God’s Plan, Purpose and teachings
  11. Not about personal salvation but about a bigger Plan
  12. Signs of the times
  13. Signs of the Last Days (Brethren of Christ)
  14. Sayings of Jesus, what to believe and being or not of the devil
  15. Christ’s Appearing: Public or Private?
  16. Jesus … will come in the same way as you saw him go
  17. Prophecies over coming days
  18. Looking into the Future
  19. The Rapture Wars
  20. To be prepared and very well oiled
  21. Will There Ever be Peace on Earth?
  22. Necessity of a revelation of creation 9 Searching the Scriptures
  23. Messianic prophesies 2 Adversary – Root of the first prophecy
  24. Sign of the Times and the Last Days #2 Wars, natural disasters, famine and false Messiahs
  25. Jesus … will come in the same way as you saw him go
  26. Matthew 24 about temples or Houses of God and the end of the age
  27. Matthew 24:4-8 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer: Part One – Beware Being Misled
  28. Matthew 24:29-35 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The Answer Part Two – Sign 2: The Parousia. A Sign after the Great Oppression
  29. Matthew 24:42-51 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Stay Awake!
  30. Signs of the last days when difficult times will come
  31. Today’s thought “For if you will be careful to do …” (April 25)
  32. Today’s Thought “A Race in the Last Days” (May 27)
  33. The Acts Of The Sent Ones Chapter 2
  34. Nazarene Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2 v14-20 Pentecostal Sermon
  35. Today’s thought “Disaster after disaster: behold it comes” (September 11)
  36. The Coining of the Lord Draweth Nigh
  37. World Agenda for Sustainability
  38. Date Setting
  39. Armageddon – City of Megiddo
  40. The dark side of our earthly existence
  41. 2015 the year of ISIS
  42. Nice attack, terror everywhere and coup attempt in Turkey
  43. Shunning amidst a crisis
  44. Cap 3000 a Valhalla blinding consumers
  45. Americans their stars, pretension, God, Allah and end of times signs #3 Cyberwars and prophesy
  46. As you see the Day approaching
  47. Thought on the first day of the new civil year 2020
  48. 2020 Talking Points – Stuck with polemics, histrionics, and ad hominem denunciation
  49. Hamas the modern Philistines (Our World)
  50. Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists
  51. Sudha Mehta looking at prophesies, False Prophets and Teachers #1 Counterfeits
  52. Sudha Mehta looking at prophesies, False Prophets and Teachers #2 Toxic people and wars
  53. Turkey and Pictures for the times coming
  54. Back from gone #1 Aim of ungodly people
  55. Back from gone #4 Your inner feelings and actions
  56. Devotees and spotters
  57. Religion and believers #9 Old and new cults
  58. For those Christians who say they are the Victim
  59. Impediments in our way
  60. Today’s thought “The Land promised and fear of man” (April 18)
  61. War, why do people keep doing it
  62. Towards a Third World War or not
  63. Today’s thought “Cleansing of the leper under the Law” (March 7)
  64. Christians at War? Christians using violence?
  65. Today’s thought “His goodness in the latter days” (November 6)
  66. ‘Faith Alive’ – Issue 2, 2022
  67. What does it mean in the bible when it says to be no part of the world?
  68. Zion for whom no one cares
  69. Thought for June 10 to Establish the hearts
  70. Today’s thought “Rise and have no fear” (July 16)
  71. Christian in Christendom or in Christianity
  72. Taught by God to love one another
  73. Seeds and weeds for being the greatest nation
  74. Increase our zeal for the Holy scriptures
  75. A New Reformation
  76. Helping websites to prepare for the last days
  77. Evangelizing in the “Time of the End”
  78. From house to house #1: Not ceasing to Preach daily in the temple and in every house
  79. Evangelisation, local preaching opposite overseas evangelism
  80. Helping others in times of trouble
  81. Today’s Thought “Proclaiming the kingdom” (May 13)
  82. What I Hope For Is What You Hope For
  83. Today’s thought “Elect exiles of the Dispersion” (December 11)
  84. Making sure to be ready and to belong to the escaped ones
  85. Today’s thought “Plea for Vindication or for Protection against Oppressors” (January 07)
  86. Today’s thought “All night he continued in prayer” (March 15)
  87. 7 Ways To Become A Better Christian
  88. Deuteronomy for the twenty-first century: Choose life!
  89. Memorizing wonderfully 20 Mountain and Kingdom of God
  90. Only once and with consequences
  91. Today’s thought “Latter glory of the house of God shall be greater than the former” (December 18)


The State Of The World


  1. Pollution
  2. Pure Evil
  3. Approaching Armageddon Interview with Rabbi Eric Walker
  4. Major Sign that we are living in the Last Days!
  5. The State Of The World Address
  6. Doomsday
  7. Is midnight upon us? Doomsday Clock panel to set risk of global catastrophe
  8. Are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Circling the Earth?
  9. I Can Touch His Own Feeling
  10. Endgame of the Gray.
  11. Fear and Despair
  12. S2E1: Mission Log: Doomsday Clock
  13. Everything Will Perish When Doomsday Strikes
  14. The digital doomsday database
  15. Editor: Survival Preparedness in Challenging Times
  16. What if COVID was just a dress rehearsal? | #Blogtober #9
  17. End-times Update
  18. Doomsday or The Beginning of Life: Not a Poem
  19. Signs of a Dying World

It is without doubt the case that our world is more politically unstable than at any time in my memory. Large numbers of people feel left behind both economically and socially. As a result, they are turning to populist—or at least popular—politicians who have limited experience of government and whose ability to take calm decisions in a crisis has yet to be tested. So that would imply that a Doomsday Clock should be moved closer to a critical point, as the prospect of careless or malicious forces precipitating Armageddon grows.

The Earth is under threat from so many areas that it is difficult for me to be positive. The threats are too big and too numerous.

Source: Hawking, Stephen “Brief Answers to Big Questions”. Bantam Books 2018

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Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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