Need to inspire others

These days we could read in the Gospel of Mark how Jesus chose his twelve disciples and gave them a task. From the gospels, we also can see how Jesus attracted people by his words and acts, like the many mriracles he did. We shall not be able to attract so many people by miracles,Continue reading “Need to inspire others”

February 9, 1555 John Hooper Burned in Gloucester

A fervent Puritan John Hooper examined all of his clergymen and found that some did not even know the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments or the Apostles’ Creed. He set out to remedy this, and to educate the people, preaching every day, often up to four or five times. He was known for his kindnessContinue reading “February 9, 1555 John Hooper Burned in Gloucester”

Looking at September 2016

Lots of people are enjoying their holidays. It is Summertime and most of us do not want to think yet of the new academic year. For our planning we have already a look at what September might bring for us. After the time of relaxation is time again to take things serious and to lookContinue reading “Looking at September 2016”

Christadelphian Newsupdates from 2016 July onwards

From this month onwards some changes take place on this platform. First: You might have noticed that some pages are added. Second: since 2013/14 not so many news events were announced or messages published on what was until then Christadelphian World. After the name change, we still published about activities about certain Christadelphians, and weContinue reading “Christadelphian Newsupdates from 2016 July onwards”

Let us make sure we are not stiff-necked

Today, God’s word is available to be read in every language, but how many “hear” by properly reading it? In God’s perception of humans today, nearly all are stiff-necked! Let us make sure we are not. Let us become like Abraham of whom we read today in Romans 4, “No distrust made him waver concerningContinue reading “Let us make sure we are not stiff-necked”

Who are the Christadelphians

Base for a community Since the day Jesus got followers, there were serious people who loved to follow everything Jesus told them to belief and to do. Many of them had to bring a lot of changes to their life, which was not always received kindly by family and friends. But they found it moreContinue reading “Who are the Christadelphians”

More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities

England has to come to face what can be seen already in many cities at the continent. Statistics from 2011 Census show more Muslim children than Christian growing up in Birmingham Of 278,623 youngsters, 97,099 were registered as Muslim compared with 93,828 as Christian A similar trend has emerged in the cities of Bradford andContinue reading “More Muslim children than Christian children growing up in our cities”

Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews

Those who believe in the resurrection of Christ Jesus, should accept that at first he was dead. When he would not have died, his standing up from his position in the grave would not be so spectacular or so important for humankind. God can not die because He is an eternal spirit, which mean HeContinue reading “Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews”

A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia

My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of JesusContinue reading “A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia”

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