Israel committing genocide to steal tens of billions of dollars worth of natural resources

Not many journals or television stations want to criticise Israel for committing genocide in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy to steal tens of billions of dollars worth of natural resources. Philip Weiss worked in print journalism for more than 30 years. He has worked for many magazines and newspapers, and for a time his wholeContinue reading “Israel committing genocide to steal tens of billions of dollars worth of natural resources”

America The Hypocrite: The Exploration of Hypocrisy Through Modern Literature 

Originally posted on Beyond the Cave:
Literature has always been used as a voice for the voiceless. Historically, writers have used the written word to explore topics that would normally not be talked about. During the Romantic era, writers like William Blake would use their words to highlight the hypocrisy in religion and humanity. Poems…

An answer to gun violence according two American pastors

The only reasonable way to have lesser accidental, as well as shootings on purpose, is to limit access to weapons, though in the States one can find pastors who claim the reason for such violence is that people left God.

Let’s Think About Bullets: Bipartisan Legislation to Stop Gun Violence in America

Originally posted on Why America Can't Be Great Again:
After another horrifying shooting we are addressing the problem the same way we aways do. Grief. Outrage. Posturing. Then… nothing. Certainly nothing significant. One side pushes for more gun control. The other side pushes back because they want to protect the rights of gun owners.…

Coevolution & reciprocal evolution

In consolidating his ideas about natural selection, and in considering orchids as being “universally acknowledged to rank amongst the most singular and most modified forms in the vegetable kingdom”, Charles Darwin (1809–1882) was already making concrete observations on, and evolutionary links between, insects and plants in the first edition of his book published in early 1862. One can endeavour to trace the history of evolutionary biology and come to the recognition that Darwin’s book on orchids generated the impetus for all succeeding investigations into coevolution and the evolution of extreme specialization.

The Moral Character of Public Officials: Remembering January 6

Originally posted on Real Church Life:
Photo by MIMICA Rgbstock “In 1998, the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, passed, what they called, a Resolution On Moral Character Of Public Officials. If it had been followed, Trump would have been kept out of office in 2016 and evangelicals would have…

Right-wing fundamentalist Christians to dictate the U.S.A.

D. Trump presented himself as the ordained one from God, and many right-wing conservatives and fundamentalist Christians were believing all he said and were willing to follow him and die for him.

Gradual decline by American Christians

When we see documentaries about the North American people we get a picture that they are ‘very religious’. Christianity, which was once shared by a majority of Americans, has seen a gradual decline as fewer people hold to the core tenets of the faith. The latest research by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona ChristianContinue reading “Gradual decline by American Christians”

Is the practice of religious freedom in danger in the United States of America

U.S Postage Stamp, 1957 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Islamophobia in many democratic countries makes it a danger for the religious freedom. Even the country that always says it is so proud to be the ‘Country of the free’ and where they shout carrying weapons is part of the freedom, they seem to be willing toContinue reading “Is the practice of religious freedom in danger in the United States of America”

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