The Week of 2022 September 12 – 18

September 12 Russian forces target Ukraine power stations while retreating Retreating Russian forces attacked Ukrainian power stations and other infrastructure as they fled from Kharkiv province in the face of a Ukrainian counterattack to reclaim territory seized by Russia early in its invasion. Russia’s precision strikes caused a fire at a large power station outsideContinue reading “The Week of 2022 September 12 – 18”

216 days the war in Ukraine goes on

The referendum in the southern regions of Ukraine seems to be a farce,

The Guardian looking at the third week of August 2022

Whilst the Kremlin is trying to do something unprecedented: to steal another state’s nuclear reactor, the West feels the results of the different sanctions because of the war, in its purse, presenting Europe with a cost of living crisis.

Does the population of Russia know what the Russian soldiers are doing in Ukraine

There is a lot of proof that Russian troops are guilty of war crimes. One wonders how these perpetrators can live with their terrible misdeeds, and how they will be able to justify themselves on the home front.

People in Ukraine standing up to Russian troops – BBC News

Videos circulating on social media have shown civilians in Ukraine stranding up to Russian troops. Across the country people have stopped tanks from entering towns and cities, while others have angrily confronted soldiers face to face. **   Find and watch also the video’s at Marcus Ampe’s Space: President Volodymyr Zelensky, addressing a European ParliamentContinue reading “People in Ukraine standing up to Russian troops – BBC News”

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