Israel strikes Gaza following surprise attack by Hamas

Israel has launched a series of strikes in Gaza following a surprise assault by Hamas militants over the weekend. More than 1,500 people have been killed in the fighting. Holly Williams has the latest. ** + Preceding Hamas opened the gates of hell on the Gaza Strip Putin not able to spare the resources needed toContinue reading “Israel strikes Gaza following surprise attack by Hamas”

The Nation: Israel Is Throwing a 75th Birthday Party. Palestinians Have Little to Celebrate.

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Rashid Khalidi. While Israelis hail the 75th anniversary of their country’s founding, Palestinians are preparing to mark 75 years of brutal oppression. The coming month witnesses two very different, albeit intimately linked, 75th anniversaries. This May, Palestinians will solemnly commemorate the Nakba, the catastrophe that befell their society…

The New Arab: Israel’s Knesset votes to extend ‘racist’ citizenship law, banning Palestinian family unification

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By The New Arab staff. Israel’s parliament voted on Sunday to extend a citizenship law which bars Palestinians who marry Israelis from attaining a resident status in the country.? The law – which has been slammed as “racist” and a “love ban” – effectively bans the unification of Palestinian…

Mondoweiss: The Palestinian Authority is a figleaf for Israeli apartheid. Disband it.

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Tom Suarez. At this point in history, the Palestinian Authority serves only to empower the two-state ruse until Zionism has achieved its singular, century-old goal: a race state in all of historic Palestine. Three decades ago, the Palestinian Authority, advertised as a five-year interim body that would give…

Former president says American Jews are ungrateful for all he has done for Jewish state

We know all too well how Donald Trump knows how to bluff and likes to talk himself into the limelight. He himself wants to remind us how he has stuck his neck out for the Jewish People.

The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022

August 08 Big-name charities resume controversial fundraising tactic Family stumble across cache of firearms while paddling in pond The Real Windsors: Queen of Steel, review: Her Majesty recast as Logan Roy from Succession Gurinder Chadha: ‘People get defensive about the British Empire but it’s our shared history’ August 09 By Danny Boyle We knew itContinue reading “The Telegraph looking at the second week of August 2022”

The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week

August 01 1st ship containing Ukrainian grain leaves port under deal The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain left the Odesa port on Monday under a deal seeking to get a backlog of crops out of the country to ease a growing global hunger crisis. The ship was headed to Lebanon with more than 26,000 tonsContinue reading “The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week”

Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing

Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Is Israel building up their weaponry in preparation of their defence of their nation as part ofContinue reading “Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing”

Weekly World Watch 6th – 12th June 2010‏

This weeks WWW is now available. To view it please click on the following link. You can either open it and view now. Or you can save it and view it later. It may take a minute to download. CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW In this weeks WWW The fallout from the \”freedom flotilla\”Continue reading “Weekly World Watch 6th – 12th June 2010‏”

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